Dr David Cashman is a well-known music researcher. He has published on a wide range of topics such as music and tourism, live music, regional music, and music education.

The Regional Music Research Group grew out of a conversation in 2016 between David, Professor Andy Bennett, and Dr Natalie Lewandowski-Cox. Since then, it has grown to include ten academics from six institutions all fascinated by music in the regions. The RMRG holds online symposia on matters of interest to regional musicians, and publishes its own set of research papers.

More information is available from the RMRG website at https://regionalmusic.github.io

Featured publication: Andy Bennett, David Cashman, Ben Green, and Natalie Lewandowski, eds. 2023. Popular Music Scenes: Regional and Rural Perspectives. Springer.

The cruise industry is among the largest employers of professional musicians. Many musicians find employment aboard these floating pleasure palaces sometimes for a few months, sometimes for many years.. However, little research has been undertaken on such employment. Dr Cashman wrote his doctoral thesis on this area, followed by a book in 2020 with Phil Hayward.

Featured publication: David Cashman and Philip Hayward. 2020. Cruisicology: The Music Culture of Cruise Ships Lexington.

Live music is an underresearched area of the music industry. Part of Dr Cashman's research involves the performance practice of Live Music.

Featured publication: David Cashman and Waldo Garrido. 2020. Performing Popular Music: The Art of Creating Memorable and Successful Performances Routledge.