
Bennett, A., Cashman, D., Green, B., & Lewandowski, N. (Eds.). (2023). Popular Music Scenes: Regional and Rural Perspectives. Springer.

Cashman, D., & Hayward, P. (2020). Cruisicology: The music culture of cruise ships. Lexington.

Cashman, D., & Garrido, W. (2019). Performing Popular Music: The Art of Creating Memorable and Successful Performances. Routledge.

Journal Articles

Cashman, D., & Goold, L. (2023). The Australian Regional Recording Industry. RMRG Research Papers, 1.

Cashman, D., Garrido, W., & Kelly, T. (2021). The role of spectacle in creating successful live music performances. Riffs, 5(2), 63-72.

Bennett, A., Green, B., Cashman, D., & Lewandowski, N. (2020). Researching Regional and Rural Music Scenes: Toward a Critical Understanding of an Under-theorized Issue. Popular Music and Society, 43(4), 367–377.

Kelman, K., & Cashman, D. (2019). Industry-based popular music education: India, college rock festivals, and real-world learning. Journal of the Media and Entertainment Industry Educators Association, 19(1), 73–97.

Cashman, D. (2019). Ship 'Fam', Festival 'Virgins' and a Cruise to Nowhere: Liminality and cruise ship festivals. Riffs, 3(2), 27–44.

Cashman, D. (2019). King Neptune, the Mermaids, and the Cruise Tourists: The Line-Crossing Ceremony in Modern Passenger Shipping. Coolabah, 27, 90–105.

Bornschlegl, M., & Cashman, D. (2019). Considering the role of the distance student experience in student satisfaction and retention. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(2), 139–155.

Bennett, A., Cashman, D., & Lewandowski, N. (2019). "Twice the size of Texas": Assessing the importance of regional popular music scenes–a case study of regional Queensland. Popular Music and Society, 42(5), 561–575.

Bornschlegl, M., & Cashman, D. (2018). Improving distance student retention through satisfaction and authentic experiences. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 8(3), 60–77.

Cashman, D. (2017). ‘The most atypical experience of my life’: The experience of popular music festivals on cruise ships. Tourist Studies, 17(3), 245–262.

Cashman, D. (2016). Voyage to the Stars: Interaction between fans and musicians on cruise ship music festivals. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 13(2), 14–33.

Cashman, D., & Naweed, A. (2016). The voice of the sea and the sound of the rails. Railway Digest. 32-35

Cashman, D. (2014). Music and (Touristic) Meaning on Cruise Ships: The Musicscape of the MV Carnival Paradise as a Semiotic Tourism Product. IASPM Journal, 4(2), 85–102.

Cashman, D. (2014). Indie-(an) Music: An Ethnography of a Rock Music Venue in Delhi. Journal of World Popular Music, 1(2), 256–276.

Cashman, D. (2014). Corporately imposed music cultures: An ethnography of cruise ship showbands. Ethnomusicology Review, 19, 23–48.

Cashman, D. (2014). Brass bands, icebergs and jazz: Music on passenger shipping 1880–1939. Journal of Tourism History, 6(1), 1–15.

Cashman, D. (2013). Skimming the surface: Dislocated cruise liners and aquatic spaces. Shima, 7(2).

Cashman, D. (2013). Popular music venues on cruise ships as touristic spaces of engagement. International Journal of Event Management Research, 7(1), 26–46.

Cashman, D. (2013). Foundation studies: Contemporary music education in India. Ethnomusicology Review.

Cashman, D. (2013). Fabricating Space: Postmodern Popular Music Performance Venues on Cruise Ships. Popular Entertainment Studies, 4(2), 92–110.

Book chapters

Cashman, D. (In Press). Beyond the Sea: The Labour of Cruise Ship Musicians. In Arditi, D. and Nolan, R. Handbook of Critical Music Industry Studies. Springer

David Cashman, Kristina Kelman, & Ritnika Nayan. (In Press). How do I go abroad? Indian popular musicians, cultural portrayal, and perception of success. In Simone Krueger (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Global Popular Music. Oxford University Press.

Bennett, A., Cashman, D., Green, B., & Lewandowski, N. (2023). Fragmented, Positive and Negative: Live Music Venues in Regional Queensland. In A. Bennett, D. Cashman, B. Green, & N. Lewandowski (Eds.), Popular Music Scenes: Regional and Rural Perspectives (pp. 227–241). Springer.

Cashman, D. (2020). Fans and fams: Experience and belonging aboard a cruise ship music festival. In N. van Es, S. Reijnders, L. Bolderman, & A. Waysdorf (Eds.), Locating Imagination in Popular Culture: Place, Tourism and Belonging. Taylor & Francis.

Bennett, A., Cashman, D., & Lewandowski, N. (2020). One piece blokes: On being a performing musician in regional Queensland. In A. Luyn & E. Fuente (Eds.), Regional Cultures, Economies, and Creativity: Innovating Through Place in Australia and Beyond (pp. 259–269). Routledge.

Cashman, D., & Hayward, P. (2013). The golden fleece: Music and cruise ship tourism. In S. Krüger & R. Trandafoiu (Eds.), The Globalization of Musics in Transit (pp. 113–126). Routledge.

Other Publications

Cashman, D. (2012). Tahitian choreo-musical performance on cruise ships: Staged authenticity and postmodern tourism. Proceedings, 7th International Small Island Cultures Conference. 20-27.

Cashman, D. (2012). Repertoire, performance, implementation and standardisation in music for formal dance performance on cruise ships. Routes, Roots and Routines: Selected Papers from the 2011 Australia/New Zealand IASPM Conference, 49–57.

Cashman, D. (2013). Musicology and Cruisicology: Formal Musical Performance on Cruise Ships 2003-2011. PhD Thesis. Southern Cross University, Lismore.